News on the garden project - my garden is alive with red ant nest mounds so we'll have to deal with that as we go as can't risk the children being bitten by the pesky mites. There are zillions of them in each nest in all stages of development. What with them and the occassional Slow worm (urgh!) which I hate, my garden is like the local country park.
It has rained for 2 days now and looks like more on the way - today was very cold and windy...felt quite wintery, but I bet the red ants don't take up residence and move!
No work done due to nasty weather.
Lammy with Love x
(but not for the ants or slow worms!) Anyone want some visitors????
About Me
- Hi Guys - Welcome to Lammy's World of Quilting & Satchels. I'll update my blog with info from the World of Lammy as often as I can, so drop in for news about my latest quilting projects and to see my One-Off! Satchels that I'm working on or have completed. HAPPY BLOGGING! Lammy with love X
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Jet's Bravery Gifts

Jet received her present for being brave when she had her operation, from PP member Jan McE. Jan has made her a gorgeous bag with lots of 'treasures' stitched into the outside detail and finshed each handle with lovely dolls. She loves it Jan, thanks from her and me....and she also received 3 postcards that Jan had made her of Jet at the sewing machine making her baby sister Eden's quilt and the other two of her pictures she drew while poorly in hospital....doubly-lucky Jet!
I must add that she went in to have her MMR booster on Monday and was very stoic again when having it...reminds me of her mum Kim, she's just the same. Brennan was very brave too as he had to have 2 injections and baby Eden had one injection and she was very brave also. Thankfully they're all fine and will now be protected from the Measles epidemic that's going around.
Lammy with Love X
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Gazebo hunt

The hunt was on today for a Gazebo that looked like it wouldn't break or collapse if a breeze blew on it...It took me a while but I reluctantly settled for a green covered Gazebo (not what I wanted but as you can see from the pics, it'll be the only green in the garden) but had to be sensible and go for strong frame before colour or fabric. Not a lost cause though as I can make a cover in the colour of my choice in the that's another project to add to the long, long list of things to do.
Oooh...I wonder if the garden comes with it...well maybe not the lake, but the lawn would be good!Lammy with Love x
Friday, May 22, 2009
Garden Project - Day two

Today started with the new Gazebo going up to plot out the size of the decking.... sounds exciting but we didn't realise that the Gazebo's 'steel' frame would break...OMG! The corner upright separated at the welded joint and snapped. So after all was packed away to be returned to the shop tomorrow....and I have to go on the hunt for a stronger framed Gazebo again.
It took a while with the unpacking, erecting and subsequent repacking of the Gazebo which meant that time had got away with us and there was enough time only to start the dig... This said, I'm happy with the work done today as it has also given us enough time to source the decking and timber. So roll on next week...slowly but surely...and we'll get there.
Lammy with Love x
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Garden Project - Day One

I'm having a decking area and a brick barbeque area built and hopefully that will gradually happen over the coming months. My grandchildren will have somewhere safe to play and I will be able to relax under a gazebo.
I can't wait....I will keep updating this as it is transformed....
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Brennan in his 'Hulk' suit

Hi All
Just have to post about Brennan as I don't want him to feel left out. Brennan will be 7 years old on 21st August and this is the reason I won't go to the FOQ as it's on at same time. I wouldn't be able to cope with travelling there and back in one day so my grandson comes first...
Hope you all have a great time...and maybe next year I'll be free to go as well as Tessa.
Lammy with Love
Jet's recovery
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My Granddaughter's first birthday

Eden was one year old on 15th May 2009. She's beautiful with her blond hair and blue eyes, and she's just started to walk and talk...arrhh -and she's got teeth too - beautiful and talented.
She's gonna break hearts......
One birthday down and zillions to go... Georgia's next and she is going to be a teenager...Oh Joy for her parents!
Lammy with Love xxxx
A Perfect Fit
TC's Quilt
Well, here we are many months later and I'm almost at the end of TC's quilt. Yay! I've had a lot going on the past 6 months which have kept me more busy than usual but I've quilted part of the borders today. I've been off ill for over 3 weeks now after spending 2 days in hospital. Though it's forced me to slow down, and given me time to focus on TC's quilt, I will be glad when I get back to work as I'm missing the guys there. We are on a countdown now to the college closing for the summer break so a lot of the students have finished and will be finishing from now to June 27th. I'll have a 6 week break and hope to be able to get on with some UFO's and other things.
My Counselling Course has been great and this has been running alongside TC's quilt which is good as we finish the course in 3 weeks so I've made this a deadline for TC's quilt too.
And my youngest granddaughter was one year old on Friday 15th May and she's started to take her first steps recently and talking. Happy Birthday Eden!
Love, Hugs and kisses always from Lammy...Love you x
Lammy with Love xxx
My Counselling Course has been great and this has been running alongside TC's quilt which is good as we finish the course in 3 weeks so I've made this a deadline for TC's quilt too.
And my youngest granddaughter was one year old on Friday 15th May and she's started to take her first steps recently and talking. Happy Birthday Eden!
Love, Hugs and kisses always from Lammy...Love you x
Lammy with Love xxx
Postcards made and received
This is the postcard I received from Ros in the PP swap themed 'Music'. Isn't it brilliant! I love the colours and the Jazz player in silhouette.
Thank you Ros.

And this is the postcard I made for Jan McE in the PP Swap theme 'Music'. I chose The BEATLES as I was born and grew up in Liverpool and felt this was the natural choice. I left John Lennon in the photo as I wanted to use some of the words from his 'Imagine' lyrics.
Thank you Ros.

By coincidence, Jan had chosen The Beatles too for her swap-buddy. It's so great and interesting seeing how everyone interprets the theme in their own way.
Lammy with Love xxx
Postcards made and received
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