Hi All
Wow! doesn't time fly when you're busy. I thought I'd have achieved much more by now but no.......
I can't believe how quick the weeks are rushing by but I have been very busy with my 'secret' project...... spent weeks working on it so far and it has taken all my spare time but I'd say I'm more than half way there now.... Yay!
K is doing okay which is a relief but still a way to go yet. I hope all of you are feeling much better now.
Shamefully, I still haven't finished Jet's curtain but I think it's going to be one big 'flurry' of activity at the last minute before I see her next.
The weather here has been quite mild, almost like Spring days this past week but we know how quick that can change. Stay dry, warm and safe.....
I've got 2 box projects to do - no stitching involved with them but I know I'm going to be distracted by them so should really put them out of sight. There just isn't enough hours during the day.
Lammy with Love X
About Me
- Hi Guys - Welcome to Lammy's World of Quilting & Satchels. I'll update my blog with info from the World of Lammy as often as I can, so drop in for news about my latest quilting projects and to see my One-Off! Satchels that I'm working on or have completed. HAPPY BLOGGING! Lammy with love X
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Hi All
Today is calmer weather with just a hint of sunshine, though it is cold. Unlike others, I am safe from the flooding as I live in a first floor flat but it was awful looking at the news on TV last night with the devastation in the UK. So many people unable to live in their homes due to flooding or damage... And on top of that, the threat to their health because there are now so many dangerous bacteria in their homes too due to the contaminated water. I hope these people can be safely back home soon.
It's been a busy week for me with one thing and another but no finished projects yet but I have prepared the 2 March birthdays for PP, ready to post. I have also produced some stock Hug Hearts to send to K. I have spent most of my time working on my 'secret project' which is coming on nicely....
The lovely Hug Hearts I received when I was having a particularly uncomfortable time after falling down the stairs were a boost as I was feeling miserable....it has taken over 3 months but as I only have twinges now and then, I consider that to be healed.
These are my lovely Hug Hearts from PP'ers-
Today is calmer weather with just a hint of sunshine, though it is cold. Unlike others, I am safe from the flooding as I live in a first floor flat but it was awful looking at the news on TV last night with the devastation in the UK. So many people unable to live in their homes due to flooding or damage... And on top of that, the threat to their health because there are now so many dangerous bacteria in their homes too due to the contaminated water. I hope these people can be safely back home soon.
It's been a busy week for me with one thing and another but no finished projects yet but I have prepared the 2 March birthdays for PP, ready to post. I have also produced some stock Hug Hearts to send to K. I have spent most of my time working on my 'secret project' which is coming on nicely....
The lovely Hug Hearts I received when I was having a particularly uncomfortable time after falling down the stairs were a boost as I was feeling miserable....it has taken over 3 months but as I only have twinges now and then, I consider that to be healed.
These are my lovely Hug Hearts from PP'ers-

I still have to put them together so at the moment they are in my To Do List.
I hope you are all dry and warm and those of you who are going through your 'own health problems', I hope you are all comfortable and improving...
Lammy with Love X
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Hi All,
Today the weather has been quite sunny though still cold outside. I hope you are all staying warm and dry.
I've been working on my 'secret' project for the past two weeks and it's coming on really well but as always, I have to hope that the end product will be good enough for purpose..... time will tell.
I'm being distracted with the need for spring cleaning as I need to have a clear-out to make more room. Don't worry, I'm not talking about my quilting supplies because that would just be crazy, but the loads of novels that have been taking up space for years that will be going to the Healthy Planet - Books for Free / Stuff for Free shop, in town.
It's a great idea to recycle books and magazines but I feel uncomfortable picking up books and just walking out of the shop....I guess that's why they get donations from people. At least then it doesn't feel wrong. The lovely people that work there are going to collect my couple of years worth of Photoshop magazines with DVD Tutorials, and books to save me trying to deliver to them, and I'm pleased they will hopefully go to a good home. And they won't end up in landfill so that is great too.
Is it just me or are the weeks flying by? I can't believe my grandchildren are on half-term break next week.... that has come around so quickly. I was hoping to see them but it'll probably be Easter break when I can visit as I have so much to do here.... but there's always Skype.
I hope those of you who are struggling with health problems are on the mend. Hugs to all! Feel better soon.
Lammy with Love X
Friday, February 7, 2014
Hi All
Hope you are all feeling good...............
The weather doesn't help when we are feeling ill and it seems relentless as there is another storm on the way. I am lucky that I live in a relatively sheltered area but the news about the flooding is awful. I hope that things get back to normal soon for those affected.
I was having a think about how I can manage my UFO's and while I can get assistance with my larger quilting projects, I have three sets of blocks to put together, my Underground Railroad quilt blocks;
Having done quite a bit of work on Jet's curtain has woken me up again to QAYG. Part of Jet's curtain has some smaller pieces that I completed by QAYG and I have books on this technique for quilts so I'm thinking it's about time I got on with it.....so message to self........ stop thinking Lammy.......just do it !!!!!!! Hopefully I'll have some news in the not-too-distant future of some movement in the UFO department.
I'm still working on the 2 'Digger' snuggle quilts for my great-nephews but keep getting distracted by life stuff. Hope to get on with these over the weekend as the weather forecast is really bad. I must really start to focus on one thing at a time.
Hope your weekend is calmer than forecast.
Lammy with Love X
Hope you are all feeling good...............
The weather doesn't help when we are feeling ill and it seems relentless as there is another storm on the way. I am lucky that I live in a relatively sheltered area but the news about the flooding is awful. I hope that things get back to normal soon for those affected.
I was having a think about how I can manage my UFO's and while I can get assistance with my larger quilting projects, I have three sets of blocks to put together, my Underground Railroad quilt blocks;
my Poppy Memory quilt of my dad from PP'ers (I still can't find your signature on your block
and finally my gorgeous Japanese dolls
Having done quite a bit of work on Jet's curtain has woken me up again to QAYG. Part of Jet's curtain has some smaller pieces that I completed by QAYG and I have books on this technique for quilts so I'm thinking it's about time I got on with it.....so message to self........ stop thinking Lammy.......just do it !!!!!!! Hopefully I'll have some news in the not-too-distant future of some movement in the UFO department.
I'm still working on the 2 'Digger' snuggle quilts for my great-nephews but keep getting distracted by life stuff. Hope to get on with these over the weekend as the weather forecast is really bad. I must really start to focus on one thing at a time.
Hope your weekend is calmer than forecast.
Lammy with Love X
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Hi All,
I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year 2014 and I hope you are all feeling well.
To those of you with your own challenges, (you know who you are) I wish you a speedy recovery. X Hugs to you
Since last August besides successfully completing another course (finished last week YAY!) I've had extra time to focus on sewing and quilting which is great! I've also been able to get on with my list of 'Things to Do!'
On January 1st (2014) I started and completed a 1600 quilt within a few days. It was a 'late' Christmas present for my son but had been many years overdue. Here are two photos of the 1600 quilt using a Fabric Freedom Jelly Roll that I'd had for several years....
Having never completed a 1600 quilt before, I am a huge fan now! I loved the speed and simplicity of producing this Sofa quilt and more importantly, my son loved it too.
I have since bought a Civil War design Jelly Roll and the colours are gorgeous so I couldn't resist giving it the 1600 treatment and produced a quilt top for my son's second Sofa quilt which I'm looking forward to quilting. My skills in quilting are adequate and as I'm going to be quilting 'in the ditch' and in straight lines, I can cope with this fine. If I want something more fancy, I have a friend who is a super free-motion quilter who I can contact. She has done several quilts for me in the past few years and has a talent for free-motion quilting; and Jan is no stranger to other quilters in this country and abroad.
Go and visit her site to see the beautiful quilting she does and many Tutorials to get you started -
I believe I'm a typical quilter in that I have a huge stash of gorgeous fabrics but also have UFO's (Un-Finished Objects). While working full time, I had little time to spend on my hobby but I am making the most of my time now with 3 quilts on the go......
I am still working on my granddaughter Jet's quilted Curtain (way overdue....sorry Jet) and 2 x great nephews Snuggle quilts. I bought 2 x Digger truck panels and have sandwiched them with fleece backings.
I also have a list of Things To Do and another sewing-related project on the go..... (more about this will be revealed in due course)...............
Be well!
Lammy with Love X
I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year 2014 and I hope you are all feeling well.
To those of you with your own challenges, (you know who you are) I wish you a speedy recovery. X Hugs to you
Since last August besides successfully completing another course (finished last week YAY!) I've had extra time to focus on sewing and quilting which is great! I've also been able to get on with my list of 'Things to Do!'
On January 1st (2014) I started and completed a 1600 quilt within a few days. It was a 'late' Christmas present for my son but had been many years overdue. Here are two photos of the 1600 quilt using a Fabric Freedom Jelly Roll that I'd had for several years....
I have since bought a Civil War design Jelly Roll and the colours are gorgeous so I couldn't resist giving it the 1600 treatment and produced a quilt top for my son's second Sofa quilt which I'm looking forward to quilting. My skills in quilting are adequate and as I'm going to be quilting 'in the ditch' and in straight lines, I can cope with this fine. If I want something more fancy, I have a friend who is a super free-motion quilter who I can contact. She has done several quilts for me in the past few years and has a talent for free-motion quilting; and Jan is no stranger to other quilters in this country and abroad.
Go and visit her site to see the beautiful quilting she does and many Tutorials to get you started -
I believe I'm a typical quilter in that I have a huge stash of gorgeous fabrics but also have UFO's (Un-Finished Objects). While working full time, I had little time to spend on my hobby but I am making the most of my time now with 3 quilts on the go......
I am still working on my granddaughter Jet's quilted Curtain (way overdue....sorry Jet) and 2 x great nephews Snuggle quilts. I bought 2 x Digger truck panels and have sandwiched them with fleece backings.
I also have a list of Things To Do and another sewing-related project on the go..... (more about this will be revealed in due course)...............
Be well!
Lammy with Love X
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