Congratulations to Sophie on your lovely news....YAY! and Happy Birthday to Mason on his first birthday......Go Mason......; and finally to Kerstin and family, Congratulations on the birth of your new grandson Tristan...he's beautiful. Love and hugs to all!!!!
I've been busy with satchel orders and have completed 3 more recently. One has gone to a buyer but is still in postal system so I can't post that yet . When D receives it I will post a photo. I loved D's satchel myself.....but can't do a copy as that's something I don't do!!!! I do have the same design of fabric but in reverse colourways so I may end up doing myself one in that......eventually............
The second is also an order and won't post photo until the buyer has received it, and the third is a lovely Mannequin fabric which I can post here as it is one I had cut but do not as yet have a buyer for......leave a message if you are interested. The satchel is the Medium size, larger than the Small one, of which I have several orders.
Here is the Mannequin - Sizes are W 14" x H 12" x D 5"
They're one-offs so please don't request one in the same fabric, when this's gone. 

Lammy with Love X
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