Hi All
I've had a busy few weeks and it's going to get even busier as K is moving house next week. I'll be having my 3 eldest grandchildren for a few days while mum and dad get them moved in then it's off to their new home.We'll be doing Felt-making which will keep them busy and they're looking forward to designing their own pieces.
As you can see from the photo, Eden is now walking everywhere, and talking all the time. She's so cute!
My garden project has been put on hold while we focus on the house move but we've had quite a lot of rain over the past few days down here, so little opportunity to do anything....
That's all the news for now...except to say Skype is great - met new relatives and caught up with others...technology can be great......when it works!
Lammy with Love X
Oh she is just so cute. I just want to eat them when they are at this stage, don't like the boring baby baby stage, just cry, eat, the other, in a never ending circle. Love it when they start taking notice, and getting about on their own. Mmm I wana just squeeze her.