Hi Guys -
Welcome to Lammy's World of Quilting & Satchels. I'll update my blog with info from the World of Lammy as often as I can, so drop in for news about my latest quilting projects and to see my One-Off! Satchels that I'm working on or have completed.
Lammy with love X
I'm on a roll now so just an update on other stuff... I've finally made the decision to join my online patchwork group's 2012 UnFinishedObjects Zapping! challenge as I am guilty of starting projects then not completing them. I am getting some assistance from my fab quilter mate Jan who does prize-worthy quilting patterns on a much-loved short-arm Bernina machine. Together these two producing amazing work and I am really happy to trust my quilts to her skills as health issues have prevented me from doing my own quilting for the past few months. Go have a look at Jan's blog to see the gorgeous work she has done for many years and continues to do. http://www.jansmusing.blogspot.com/
I've also joined the 2012 Postcard swap as I love the postcards for my collection and have made some for friends and a really lovely Postcard storage box - - - - - -
and a diary cover too....
...and I've joined the 2012 Birthday club too so lots of gifts going to be passed around this year YAY! As a tight group, we responded to some upsetting news of a fellow quilter J, by making pink and white/cream blocks for another member Rosemary to put together into quilts for sale to raise money for Breast Cancer Charity. These will be raffled over the next few months to raise much needed money for research to help to stamp out cancer. Will post some photos when I have more time but still lots of work ongoing with I hope, some finished objects to boot.....out of my UFO stack. Lammy with Love X
Hi All Time is flying by too quickly. I can't believe I haven't had time to post since late November 2011 but I've been so busy - but I'm here now so here goes.... I'm still working on the huge quilt for a work friend but hope to have the main body of it off to my quilter in the next couple of weeks while I get on with the very ambitious panels for the sides and bottom to attach later. In the past couple of months my quilter has done me proud with the Space quilt for Jet having rockets and stars in the quilting and the Dinosaur quilt for Brennan has dinosaurs in the quilting design......genius. The quilting on these can be found at http://www.jansmusing.blogspot.com/ Thanks Jan!
Mmmm and what have I done apart from taking photos of the finished Space and Dinosaur before I gave them to happy kidz?....I made a buggy quilt called Cats and Dogs! for Eden and well! she loved the cats hiding place but the fleece foot muff on the back....not so much! and well, that's a whole other posting but I vermicelli quilted it myself and did a good job so as they say, 'practice makes perfect....or in this case...nearly perfect'. Here it is -
And here are the cats - all present and accounted for. From the left is Jade cat; Mistigris and the Mouse, and finally Gatchelou the Fisherman. Peeping out from their hidey pocket on the top back of the quilt.
Dinosaur quilt for B which is quilted with dinosaurs and stars (courtesyof Jan) but silly me, I forgot to photograph these two when finished as I was off on holiday. They were both really lovely! These are pre-quilting pics -
And for J, a Space quilt which has rockets and stars in the quilting pattern - all done free-hand (no pre-programmed stitches here guys!) and amazing....and she opens to orders from quilters.
As I said, go to Jan's blog to see great quilting on these last 2 quilts. Lammy with Love X