Hi Guys -
Welcome to Lammy's World of Quilting & Satchels. I'll update my blog with info from the World of Lammy as often as I can, so drop in for news about my latest quilting projects and to see my One-Off! Satchels that I'm working on or have completed.
Lammy with love X
Hi All Not so good news - Work is still undecided so still in No man's land but plodding on.... Pretty good news - Nearing the end of my course so that's good as it'll give me more time to get involved with quilty-related swaps and to catch up with friends more often.
Very good news - Booked my room at Etap for 3 nights, got my train tickets really cheap (only £21 from South Essex to Birmingham Int. return) - saved over £30 whoopee, and hopefully have the tickets covered too.....
Here's my latest little quilty stuffs - Order for a Father's Day gift for an elderly housebound man who loves birds Double sided cushion cover -