Jet received her present for being brave when she had her operation, from PP member Jan McE. Jan has made her a gorgeous bag with lots of 'treasures' stitched into the outside detail and finshed each handle with lovely dolls. She loves it Jan, thanks from her and me....and she also received 3 postcards that Jan had made her of Jet at the sewing machine making her baby sister Eden's quilt and the other two of her pictures she drew while poorly in hospital....doubly-lucky Jet!
I must add that she went in to have her MMR booster on Monday and was very stoic again when having it...reminds me of her mum Kim, she's just the same. Brennan was very brave too as he had to have 2 injections and baby Eden had one injection and she was very brave also. Thankfully they're all fine and will now be protected from the Measles epidemic that's going around.
Lammy with Love X
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